
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

If I were Rich and Famous

If I were to be famous I would like to star in action movies and horror movies my favourite would have to be horror. My idol is Angelina Jolie and Katie Holmes.I would like to be an idol to all kids.

To make the world a happy place I would donate to charity and make sure all the homeless people can be happy. By getting them a house and job also clothes and set them on the right track. I would also hold free fun days with rides and shade over the top of everything. So they don’t get hot and burn. I would hold this event in the community.

I would also donate to schools by helping getting reading books and other learning tools. I would go and see all the ill people and give them a toy or something to cheer them up. Some time I would like to visit the SPCA and adopt puppies(5).

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