
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Creative strand Art part

For creative strand we are doing art and in art we are doing A mural to make our hall not so plain we have worked out were to put the art work once finished.

In the process of making our mural we needed to measure the height of were our art is going to be. The measurements was 490 mm. We measured our boards and each board made about three after our precise measurements we sawed it.

Sawing the boards difficult for some of us but towards half way we started to get the hang of it. Our technique was to drag the saw up and do that for three times. Then we started to saw properly but as we got to the end we had to slow down or it would break.

We then sanded and painted the board. When we sanded the board we needed to make it smooth and as we were painting  we had to paint the sides and the wood side. Before we could do anything we had to let it dry.

When it was dried we got to put them all together and make a big mural with heaps of patterns. So far it is going great and we get to take a board and paint it. We are still trying to work out the colour schemes.

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